
im more productive hung over

lets just start this post off right, with a picture of my boyfriend. today was, well, interesting. i nearly intoxicated mysef into a deep sleep, but was woken up by another intoxicated acquaintance, gdammit. a delightful away message resulted in even funnier IMs from my mother. it went a little something like this...

my away "out intoxicating myself, sorry mom"
mom "haha, youre so funny, i hope youre making smart choices tonight, i have to say that, im your mother. love you hunny"
mom "youre so silly, just thought id tell you, love you"

that woman, is my hero.

anywho... before this situation even came about, i spent a lovely night with my friends. julia stefanski and i won two games of beerpong, but sadly failed out last attempt. the night died &thats when i came home. dont worry it was only around 1. falling asleep late, has never really benefitted me much or even at all, but somehow its become a terrible habbit. not to mention waking up this morning at 7, ya that was fun, but for a good cause, might i add. worked from8-2 at laguna for an openhouse. something about interacting with people, really brings a smile to my face. i could have sat there for dayyyys to listened to michael jacques talk. hes so intelligent &free spirited, its wonderful. but meeting new students is really exciting as well. so with the lack of sleep ive totaled this past week, im pretty sure ive lost my mind. ill nap &hopefully sleep untill tomorrow. happybirthday dad! i love you and miss you very much.

otis is staring at me.

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